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Over the past few years, Allora Farm has developed into a dynamic union of creative endeavors. From cultivating novel pepper varieties, consciously foraging for wild plants & growing saffron in the Northeast, we are so excited to be involved in such a multitude of projects that encourage biological, culinary and cultural diversity. Our mission is to reconnect people with the communities, traditions and cultures that are invaluable to our food system locally.
All our design elements are authentically cultivated from our farm and surrounding landscape. After years of growing and designing, we are deeply familiar with all the flowers we utilize, taking cues from our local ecology and the changing seasons. By thoughtfully harnessing the beauty of nature in our arrangements, we aim to exemplify the intimate connections that exist between the forest, the farm and us.
We are excited to announce that we are in the midst of expanding our operation and moving to Pine Plains, New York. We proudly work without the use of any synthetic fertilizers, sprays or pesticides and strive to utilize growing techniques that work in conjunction with nature. We aim to increase our soils fertility by practicing crop rotation and mineral amendments. We believe that these practices will produce a large variety of beautiful and flavorful flowers, herbs and speciality vegetables. We have searched far and wide for the best seed varieties based on sustainability, handsomeness, longevity and flavor.
At this time, we have chosen to forgo the USDA’s organic certification process and invite you to trust us, your farmers, that our produce is grown using ecologically and socially responsible methods.